Koszalin Modeling Platoon invites you to IX Baltic Modeling Festival Koszalin 2020
Deadline: 14-15.11.2020
Place: Online competition
Aim of the festival: popularization of modelling among children and teenagers as well as among the society of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, the city of Koszalin and the Koszalin district, and exchange of experience and knowledge between modellers.
Organizers: Koszalin Modeling Platoon (BSMH "Perun"), ModelMaker Company, Technical University of Koszalin. The Baltic Modeling Festival is co-financed by the City Hall of Koszalin.
Media patronage: Baltic.info.pl portal
Submitting models:
1. Via the website: Registration closed
2. Model submissions are possible until 12.11.2020 at 22:00 hours.
3. Models can be submitted only electronically.
4. No models can be entered on the day of the competition.
- Sa - Aircraft 1/32-1/24 - senior/junior
- Sbt - Piston planes 1/48-1/50 - senior/junior
- Sbo - Jet planes 1/48-1/50 - senior/junior
- Sct - Piston planes 1/72 - senior/junior
- Sco - Jet planes 1/72 - senior/junior
- Sda - Helicopters 1/48 and larger - senior/junior
- Sdb - Helicopters 1/72 and minor-senior/junior
- Sdc - Aeroplanes and helicopters - scale 1:100, 1:144 and smaller - senior/junior
- SM - Planes (all scales) - youngster
- SC - Civil aircraft (all scales) - senior/junior
- Aa - Artillery (all scales) - senior/junior
- Pga - Tracked vehicles 1/35 and 1/48 - senior/junior
- Pgb - Tracked vehicles 1/72 - senior/junior
- Pka - Wheeled vehicles 1/35 and 1/48 - senior/junior
- Pkb - Wheeled vehicles 1/72 - senior/junior
- Pf - SF and fantasy - vehicles (floating, running, walking and flying) without any size division - senior/junior
- PGM - Vehicles of all scales and categories – youngster
- Ps - Rail vehicles - senior/junior
- Pc - Civil vehicles - senior/junior
- Opa - Motor ships scale up to and including 1/200 - senior/junior
- Opb - Motor ships scale from 1/201 to 1/400 inclusive - senior/junior
- Opc - Motor ships - scale from 1/401 and smaller - senior/junior
- Opz - Sailing ships - senior/junior
- OM – Civil ships, military ships and sailing ships - youngster
- Fd - Figures and busts - senior/junior
- Fs - SF and fantasy - figures without size division - senior/junior
- F-M - Figures all scales - youngster
- D – Diorama/vignettes of all kind (land, sea, air) - senior/junior
- B - Buildings - senior/junior
- FreeS - Free style - everything that does not fit into other classes - senior/junior/youngster
- Skt1 - Piston planes - senior/junior
- Sko1 – Jet planes – senior/junior
- Sk2 - Helicopters - senior/junior
- SKM- Airplanes and helicopters – youngster
- Pck - Civil vehicles - senior/junior
- Pwk - Military vehicles - senior/junior
- PSk - Rail vehicles - senior/junior
- PK-M - Vehicles of all kind- youngster
- Okm - Motor ships - senior/junior
- Okz - Sailing ships - senior/junior
- Okl – Waterline ships - senior/junior
- Fk - Figures - senior/junior
- BK - Buildings - senior/junior
- WSk - everything that does not fit into other classes - senior/junior/youngster
Age groups:
- YOUNGSTER (M) - up to 12 years old
- JUNIOR (J) - over12 to 18 years
- SENIOR (S) - over 18 years old
Thematic competition: "Airplanes from Zegrze Pomorskie"
Regulations of the thematic contest.
1. The organizer reserves the right to combine or separate classes depending on the number of models in each competition class.
2. The class will be played if at least three models are submitted by different modelers. Otherwise, the submitted models will be awarded a diploma.
3. The above two points do not apply to the YOUNSTGER age group - in this case a class will be played even if there are not enough models.
4. In a given class a competitor can submit maximum two models.
5. The competitor submits his model using the registration form, which sends a packed folder containing the folder with packed photos (compressed folder ZIP format): left and right side - top and bottom (in case of ship models, models attached to a base and dioramas only left and right side photos and photos from above) - front and back - max. up to three photos of details (*) - one photo of a model with a card: IX BFM (**) Maximum size of one photo cannot exceed 3 MB, which should be taken on a uniform white background.
6. A modeler can only start with a model built by himself.
7. Members of the Koszalin Modeling Platoon do not participate as competitors in the Festival.
8. In each category of the Festival, the evaluation will be made by a jury appointed by the Organizer.
9. In each festival category, the jury will select three works exhibited to the festival in each class by reviewing them and paying attention to: conformity with the original, quality of workmanship, independent modifications and alterations to the model. The models will be evaluated according to scores from 1 to 10. 10 is the highest score, and the order will be determined by the average number of points obtained by the model.
10. The awarded models will be ranked according to their score on places 1-3. In case there are more models in a given class that deserve attention, they will be awarded a distinction without indicating the place occupied.
11. Prizes in kind will be given to the winners of each class.
12. In case of classes where at least three models of three different modelers will not be exhibited, they will be awarded a distinction without indicating the place occupied.
13. The results of the jury's work are subject to the approval of the Main Judge and the Technical Judge.
14. If the jury determines unanimously that it is not able to identify three high level models in a class (despite the class being fully occupied), the committee may decide to award fewer than three distinctions.15. Contrarily, the jury, after consultation with the Main Judge, may award more than three distinctions in a class where there will be more models made at a level deserving of a distinction (see point 8).
16. The members of the Festival's Judge Committee do not receive remuneration for their work in the Judge Committee.
17. The final qualification for the Festival Judge Committee and allocation to the individual subcommittees is made by the Main Judge.
18. The Main Judge of the Festival Commission is Wojciech Sokołowski - Member of the Koszalin Model Platoon.
19. The organizers will not charge entry fees for participation in the competition.
20. The results will be announced during the live broadcast on the Internet.
21. Prizes and distinction awards will be sent by post within 4 weeks from the end of the competition.
22. If due to the epidemiological situation it will not be possible to send the prizes directly after the BFM is finished, medals, diplomas, cups and prizes in kind will be deposited in the place indicated by the Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology and sent immediately after lifting any restrictions.
23. The condition for participation in the competition is to submit the model on the competition platform together with accepting the required conditions.
1. Models awarded in the previous edition of the BFM cannot take part in the Festival. In this case they can be submitted as an exhibition model.
2. Submitting a model and taking part in the Festival or competition means acceptance of the provisions of the above Regulations.
3. The verdict of the Festival and Competition Jury is final and cannot be protested.
4. The results of the work of the Festival and Competition Jury will be announced in a joint Final Protocol and will be announced immediately after signing the Final Protocol.
5. Decisions in matters not regulated by these regulations will be made collectively by the Organizers.
6. Questions and doubts related to these regulations: Wojciech Sokołowski - e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. , phone: +48 691 404 115.
IV. Awards and Cups
1. The Koszalin Modeling Platoon "Trampled" Cup for the best model of the Festival
2. Koszalin University of Technology Rector's Cup (in the Senior, Junior and Youngster categories)
3. The ModelMaker Chief Executive Cup
4. The Museum of Coastal Defence in Hel Award for the best model related to the Coast Guard
5. The Museum of Coastal Defence in Hel Award for the best junior marine model
6. Polish Arms Museum in Kołobrzeg Cup
7. Award founded by Wojciech Sokołowski for the best model of a military vehicle in Polish colors
8. Award founded by Wojciech Sokołowski for the best airplane model in Polish colors
9. Prize founded by Arthur Hamerling for the best Junior Ship Model
VI. Festival Schedule
- Saturday 14.11.2020
- 9:00 - Launch of the contest gallery
- 10:00 - 11:00 - Online workshop for children
- 9:00 - 17:00 – Time for the Jury work
- Sunday 15.11.2020
- 13:00 - Closing ceremony (online transmission) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86098971797?pwd=OWZGNzJEMUNOc28wanFJWVZHVDE5QT09 pass: VmcBb3
* - pictures of details are not required, but may influence the verdict of the Jury, the choice of details in the submitted pictures is an individual choice of the modeler
** - model photo card with model (in special cases you can replace the model with a white A4 size card with the inscription IX Baltic Model Festival Koszalin 2020
- 13:00 - Closing ceremony (online transmission) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86098971797?pwd=OWZGNzJEMUNOc28wanFJWVZHVDE5QT09 pass: VmcBb3